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  • Writer's pictureJaime Leigh

Villain Synopsis Challenge-Summer Bibib Day 3

Good morning, Everyone!

Welcome to day two of the Booktubeathon and day three of the Biannual Bibliothon. How are you all doing? I hope you have started off the week strong and that you will continue to slay your challenges as the week continues. Today’s Summer Bibib challenge is The Villian Synopsis hosted by Dominique over at @piratesandpixiedust from


1) Pick a book you love

2️) Imagine that the story was written from the antagonists perspective.

3️) Rewrite the books synopsis from the VILLAINS point of view.

I saw this challenge on Instagram and immediately went to stare at my shelf. I don’t know why this book was the first book to pop out at me, but it was, and it made me laugh so hard that I had to give it a go. So here it is. The synopsis of The Martian by Andy Weir written from the villain's perspective.

An invasion. An unknown opponent. A battle.

Before they came, my land was peaceful. Dust storms danced across my surface and the galaxies shined above me. Then, six days ago, a team of masked invaders arrived. They took pieces of me for themselves. They drove stakes into my skin and walked over my body. Then they left me, ravaged and malformed by their endeavor. I hoped that all of them were gone, but they left one behind. I have seen these people. They are ruthless for knowledge and I know that they will come back. Until then, it is up to me to fight again this force, before he can signal to his people that he is alive. The odds are on my side, but will my unforgiving power be enough to overcome the odds that are against me and take my land back from my resourceful new opponent?

“A hugely entertaining novel {that} reads like a rocket ship afire..Weir has fashioned in Mars one of the most appealing, forceful and convincing characters in recent fiction” -CHICAGO TRIBUNE

“As gripping as they come...You’ll be rooting for Mars the whole way, groaning at every setback and laughing at his bitch black humor. Utterly nail-biting and memorable." -FINANCIAL TIMES

I don’t know if that was exactly what the prompt wanted, but it was definitely fun to write. Mars doesn’t really even count as a villain, but he is the antagonist of the Martian, so he counts (I love that I am casually personifying a planet as a he now).

I can’t wait to see what everyone else comes up with for this challenge. Feel free to send me a link to your entry so that I can read it!

Hope that you all have continued success on your reading goals. Or, if you aren’t where you want to be, you still have so much time to make progress. Remember, the goals are arbitrary. Make it fun for you and remember it is just about getting people reading. I’ll have more challenges coming out later this week. Glad we were on the same page today.


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